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Oneness Of Juju 

African Rhythms 1970 - 1982

199 LEI

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3LP | NEW  | 2020


Funk Jazz Jazz-Funk

Strut present a comprehensive 3LP compilation of the seminal Oneness Of Juju, led by Plunky J. Branch. Tracing their career from the band’s earliest work in 1970 with South African exiled jazzman Ndikho Xaba in San Francisco, the compilation covers the band’s journey to New York’s loft jazz scene, forming Juju and releasing two landmark albums of hard-hitting percussive jazz on Strata-East.

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Oneness Of Juju 

Space Jungle Luv

159 LEI

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LP | NEW  | 2020


Jazz Funk Soul

Formed in 1971 (and still going strong) Oneness of JuJu was the brainchild of saxophonist J. Plunky Branch. Like many others on the legendary Strata East label, Oneness mixed R&B, free jazz, afro-Brazilian percussion and down-home funk with an upbeat spiritual message, earning them a place in many a DJ'sbig metalbox in the process.

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